Natural Headache Remedies

Natural headache remedies
Natural Headache Remedies

Natural Headache Remedies

by Dr. Ty Hall in Health Posted on 

02/11/2020 00:00According to the World Health Organization, between 50% – 75% of adults age 18-65 have had a headache in the last year. It’s a common complaint that affects people across the world. The next time you have a headache, try one of the natural headache remedies below before you reach for a bottle of painkillers.
There are three main types of headaches:

Tension headaches are caused by stress to the muscles in the head or neck. This can be a result of poor posture, stress, sinus pressure or sleeping the wrong way. This type of headache often feels like a pressure or tightness in the head, which sometimes extends to the neck muscles. Migraine headaches are often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. These headaches often last several days. Hormones, stress, anxiety and things in the environment can contribute to migraines. Cluster headaches occur frequently over a period of time and then may go away for a time. They are intense and often focus over one eye. It is the most rare of headache disorders, affecting only 1 in 1,000 people.  Contributing factors of headaches.

Environment (food, lights, sounds, smells, stress/anxiety, screens)Behavior (poor posture, lack of sleep, dehydration, blood sugar fluctuations, medication overuse)Underlying medical issue (hormones, disease, virus)Natural Headache Remedies .If you can find the root cause of the headache, you can treat it and prevent future headaches. Avoiding triggers like alcohol, certain foods, chemicals, flashing lights and smells can help. Improving your posture, getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water can also help prevent headaches. There are many medications that can provide relief for headaches. Some block pain while others relax muscles and reduce inflammation. All medications have side effects, so try some of these natural headache remedies whenever possible:
Hot compress – can relax tense muscles.Cold compress – can numb pain and reduce swelling

.Herbal tea – provides relaxation. Look for ones that include peppermint, ginger, chamomile or lavender. Vitamins – vitamin E, B-6 and B-12 have been linked to headache relief Magnesium – deficiency has been linked to headaches. Add it to your diet or take a supplement. Relaxation – including meditation, yoga, deep breathing and stress management. Essential Oils – especially peppermint and lavender .Seeking professional help:

For a lingering headache, there are a number of professionals who may help relieve the pain without the use of drug interventions. 

Massage Therapist – A massage therapist can help relax tense muscles that contribute to headaches. Acupuncture – This traditional Chinese medicine procedure affects the flow of energy through your body and can ease pain.

Psychotherapist – If your headaches are stress related, seeking a mental health professional can help you better manage stress and relieve headache pain.

Physical Therapist – If your headaches are due to muscle tension, a physical therapist can help relax tense muscles that contribute to your headache .Chiropractor – Getting a chiropractic adjustment can increase movement in your back and neck and provide relief from muscle tension.
